PIYAK OOTIHI (One Heart) Métis
Date: July 15, 2009 - For Immediate Release
Join Piyak Ootihi (One Heart) Métis for the official launch of the book, Flower Beadwork People Beaded Blanket on Tuesday July 28th from 3pm to 7pm in the Carnegie Room at the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library. Contributors to the book will be on hand to autograph purchased books and to talk about the project.
Books may be purchased at that time for $15.00. If you have already purchased a copy, bring it to the launch and we will gladly sign it for you. The book will also be available for purchase at local book stores and at the Tom Thomson Art Gallery gift shop. Proceeds from book sales will go toward the creation of the Piyak Ootihi Memorial Garden.
The book describes the “patches” sewn with love by the Piyak Ootihi (One Heart) Beaders. These patches have been applied to a red blanket reminiscent of the Hudson’s Bay blankets that were among the items traded with the Métis and First Nations ancestors. Each “patch” has a special story or meaning attached to it that speaks of heartbreak, joy, friendship and tradition. The book was published by Ningwakwe Learning Press. The beaded blanket is on display at the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library.
Piyak Ootihi (One Heart) Métis united formally as a Drum Circle in 2006, and since May 2008 have been focused on and committed to inform and help heal our community. Our intention is to provide opportunities to the community in response to the Truth and Reconciliation call for healing and education about the residential school experience and legacy in Canada.
Our Mission is to provide ongoing opportunities for healing historic trauma for All Nations
through the development of a Memorial Garden
where pain can be remembered, mourned and transformed
and a new way becomes possible.
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For more information, please contact:
Susan Schank
Telephone: 519 376 7630
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